Dear Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Staff,
As I read the papers and listen to the news, I hear about the great sacrifices “essential people” are making. I keep on saying, “Many of these essential people are Hunter’s students, staff, and graduates.”
Hunter’s Heroes in This Crisis
Today, we make medical appointments online to see a doctor, pay medical bills, and fill out medical forms. This is all possible because our staff trained our students in computers or networks designed so people can make contact with health care workers.
Our teachers have taught these graduates, our heroes, in many of our programs—Hunter’s Medical Assistant, Medical Billing, LPN/Nursing, Ultrasound, and X-Ray Tech programs. I want to thank our teachers who taught our graduated Hunter heroes and continue to bestow their knowledge on our future Hunter heroes.
The Teaching and Learning Continue
Hunter started its online learning transition almost five weeks ago. We are entering week three of actual online education. Our school’s hallways and classrooms are empty, however, our virtual classrooms are vibrant and bursting with knowledge.
As we train our future heroes, we are using more data-driven technology and online learning resources than we ever thought achievable in order to provide the best education possible. Our school has transitioned from a “brick and mortar” school to one that educates students via virtual lectures and discussions.
Hunter is proud to say that its current staff members are all working hard, and our students continue to learn. We all have quickly learned to teach and organize ourselves in this new era.
The Changes in Our Lives
This virus has caused everyone’s plans to change. Graduation dates have changed, our daily activities have changed. We have all experienced more economic and emotional uncertainty in various degrees.
What we thought we could depend on is now not so stable, and our not knowing what the future holds is even more in question. Without the support of our staff members, Hunter would not be pacing as well as it is.
I know that this transition has not been easy for any of us. You all came to Hunter to make changes in your lives and impact the lives of others. Nobody expected this type of dramatic change. As we navigate in these difficult times, I always try to look at the positive side. It’s not how many times you fall, but how many times you get up.
We continue to provide you with a network of support provided by the 94 members of our staff who are working from home in order to teach you, support you, and provide you with a quality education.
Stay Safe and Positive
Stay safe, stay active, eat healthy, continue to engage in social distancing, and stay positive.
The staff and I miss you. I am looking forward to seeing all of you in the hallways and classrooms of Hunter once we are permitted to do so.

Jay Fund