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Meeting Times


Student Council meets every other Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. in room 11. Please contact Alecia Logan or Dayna Smith for more information.


Student Council meets every Monday at 11:40 a.m. (lunch time) in the Sim Lab. Please contact Donna Evans for more information.

All Students Encouraged to Join!

Student Council needs you! It’s looking for more Hunter Business School students to help with ideas and opinions. And don’t forget that your participation looks great on your résumé. Help us help you. Representatives from the Admissions and Career Services departments attend every meeting. This is your chance to make a good impression.

Join Hunter Business School’s Student Council and be heard! We’re always looking for new members to represent the student population. The council is where you can bring suggestions, ideas, and concerns about the school to the table. Topics discussed include fundraisers, holiday parties, student issues and concerns, and event planning.

And there’s a personal advantage, as well. You will be able to list your participation as a volunteer activity on documents like job applications and résumés. In this tough job market, employers are looking for such things! Certificates are given to those students who participate in Student Council. These certificates look great in your portfolio when you begin interviewing.

Remember that Student Council is all about helping fellow Hunter Business School students, fundraising, donating time and energy, and creativity. Members are asked to bring new and novel ideas to each meeting.

Please come to a meeting and help make a difference in your school. Remember: our goal is to make students’ time at Hunter Business School a rewarding experience. First timers are welcome!

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Web Developer School: A Hybrid Approach

Not sure you have the time to complete web developer school? Don’t worry—you have options. Hunter Business School offers a hybrid program in Web Application Design