In the Event of an Emergency

The only way to prepare for an emergency is to become aware. In emergency situations, a trained mind becomes alert, but an untrained mind panics. Follow the tips below to prepare.

Smart Things to Do Now

Knowing how to react during an emergency can save your life. Try to rescue others only if you can do it safely.

  • Check your building’s evacuation route.
  • Review and remember the instructions below.
  • Share the Hunter Business School website address with family and friends.


Fires are extremely dangerous and can spread very quickly. If you encounter a fire in your building, get out and away from the danger. Follow the directions of vocational school administrators.

  • Notify occupants and help those needing assistance in the immediate area.
  • Confine the fire by closing doors of all unoccupied rooms as you exit.
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
  • Evacuate the building at the nearest exit, go to the designated assembly area, and call the emergency number listed below.
  • Do not enter the building until authorized to do so by school personnel.

Building Evacuation

An evacuation is implemented under conditions when it is no longer safe for vocational students, faculty, and staff to remain in a building or specific area within a building. This requires occupants to move out and away from a building to a designated assembly area of refuge, or out and away from a specific area within a building. An evacuation is most commonly used when there is a suspected fire or hazardous material spill in a building.

  • When the fire alarm is activated, evacuation is mandatory.
  • Notify occupants, and help those needing assistance in the immediate area.
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
  • Take personal belongings (ID, keys, purses, wallets, etc.), and dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Upon exiting, proceed to the assembly area to begin the accountability process.
  • Persons with disabilities are to proceed to the area of assisted rescue.

Shelter in Place

Shelter in place is a procedure where an entire building population is moved to alternate locations. The purpose is to shelter occupants inside the building in the event of a weather emergency, release of hazardous or other harmful biological material, or any other emergent incident outside the building.

  • When notified, either stay inside the building, or if outdoors, immediately go into the nearest building.
  • Go to the designated shelter-in-place area within the building right away.
  • Close all windows and doors.
  • Await further instructions from school personnel.
  • Do not evacuate the building until an all-clear is given by emergency workers.


Lockdown is a procedure used when there is an immediate threat to the building occupants. In the event of a lockdown, students, faculty, and staff would be instructed to secure themselves in the room they are in and not to leave until the situation has been resolved. This allows emergency responders to secure the students, faculty, and staff in place, address the immediate threat, render first aid if needed, and remove any innocent bystanders from immediate danger to an area of safe refuge.

  • Stay in your room or office.
  • Lock and barricade the door.
  • Remain quiet.
  • Do not attempt to leave the building or room.
  • Wait until school personnel give you an all-clear announcement.

Suspicious Packages

  • Do not touch or disturb the object or package.
  • Evacuate the immediate area.
  • Call 911.
  • Notify your immediate supervisor.

Suspicious Behavior

  • Do not physically confront the person exhibiting the behavior.
  • Do not let anyone into a locked room or building.
  • Do not block a person’s access to an exit.
  • Call 911 immediately.

Bomb Threat

Bomb threats should be taken very seriously. If you receive a call from anyone making such a threat, please act immediately.

  • Remain calm.
  • Get as much information as possible from the threatening caller.
  • Call 911. Use a campus or other landline phone. Do not use a cell phone or smartphone, as this can trigger the bomb.
  • Follow instructions from school and emergency personnel.

Active Shooters

An active shooter is an event in which one or more persons commit harm through the use of firearms.

  • If possible, exit the building immediately and call 911.
  • If you cannot exit, clear the hallway immediately and/or remain behind closed doors in a locked or barricaded room, and if possible, stay away from all windows. Do not huddle in groups.
  • Remain calm and quietly call 911.
  • Evacuate the room only when authorities have arrived and instructed you to do so.
  • Do not leave or unlock the door to see what is happening.
  • Do not attempt to confront or apprehend the shooter unless this is as a last resort.
  • Do not assume someone else has called the police or emergency personnel.
  • Do not leave the room until emergency personnel have arrived and given an all clear announcement.
  • Watch the following short training enactment video on surviving an active shooter to learn what you can do to protect yourself in a life-threatening emergency. Viewer discretion is advised.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Levittown Campus – In the event of a suspicious package or behavior or a bomb threat, call 911. At the Levittown campus, for fires and medical emergencies, call 516.491.7811.

Medford Campus – In the event of a fire, suspicious package or behavior, or bomb threat, call 911.


Call or send a message to your family and friends immediately, and inform them of your location and contact numbers if you were evacuated.

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