Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni,
As we listen to the news, our battle to defeat COVID-19 is showing promise. I want to thank you for staying home and following the social distancing rules. I want to give an extra shout-out of thanks to our essential Hunter Heroes working in the field.
The ability to bring students to our Hunter home still has not changed. We continue to provide our courses online. We continue to improve our online programs.
In the last week, we have explored and are testing new software that will allow us to do simulations to help you learn more and get closer to the completion of your programs. We will be implementing these new simulations in the next few weeks.
Governor Cuomo and the Board of Regents, responsible for the general supervision of all educational activities in New York State, have committees that have been charged to create recommendations for all schools to determine when and how schools can reopen. It is important that we all follow the state’s social distancing directions. This is what will reduce the curve and allow us to be with our families and to be back in school.
I know that not being with friends and family is taking a toll on all of us. If you are aware of people who are struggling with isolation and/or loss, please reach out to them. If you feel that they need professional assistance, please help them to connect with a professional. The United Way of Long Island has a resource available on its website.
As you know, the Hunter staff and I are here for you.
Please stay healthy, continue to practice social distancing, study, and stay active. These are the only ways we will be closer to overcoming this pandemic.

Jay Fund