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Why I Came to Hunter Business School

I came to Hunter Business School after being out of work for two years. I also had a very strong background in IT, as an advanced user, so I decided to go to Hunter to get a deeper understanding what I already knew.

My Experience with Admissions

I worked very closely with Bridget, and she ran through the entire process of getting started with getting signed up and prepared for school. She was very knowledgeable and extremely professional.

My Experience with Financial Aid

Working with Lisa, she explained the entire process. Once she laid all the groundwork out for me, she guided me through the entire process—complete with all the right answers.

My Experience with Career Services

Working closely with Dan D’Angelo, he and the rest of the team were a constant encouragement. From Good News Mondays to my résumé, my portfolio, and my final preparation for the dreaded job interview, their professional unique approach gave me the confidence I needed to be able to interview with a prospective employer and win the conversation.

One thing Career Services instills in you is that the answer is always “no” until you ask the question. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and don’t be afraid to look and see what’s out there while you’re going to school.

Part of the school’s objective is to not just learn the material. The track is simple: learn the material, get certified, and get a job.

My Classroom and Education Experience

The one thing I will say is the instructors in the CTNS program are tops in their respective fields, and their methods of teaching make the time we must absorb the material that much easier.

Mr. Fetter puts the concepts of hardware and electronics into easy-to-understand terminology by applying things we do in the real world every day. Rik Nevone provides a deep dive into networking and provides the insight I needed to further strengthen the networking knowledge I already had.

Basically, they provided three years of computer science into seven months, so you can imagine they’re up against great odds to help us understand the material and get us to that A+ certification.

My Advice for Future Graduates

First, I think those who are coming into Hunter should have a strong commitment to what they are studying. They should eat and sleep the material and make sure it is committed to memory. Make sure all deliverables for the courses are completed when they are assigned, and take advantage of any extra credit offered.

Bottom line: don’t take this lightly at any time. You’re here for a reason, and your time is limited, so make sure your focus is always on what you’re studying.