General Sonography II (Pathology: Abdomen)
ODMS106 (60 hours)
This sonography course is the second part of the study of the sonographic evaluation of the abdomen and chest.
Hunter Business School students learn to recognize, identify, and appropriately document abnormalities associated with the applicable Doppler waveforms, the liver, biliary system, pancreas, urinary tract, adrenal glands, spleen, prevertebral vessels, peritoneal cavity, potential abdominal spaces, gastrointestinal tract, noncardiac chest, and the anterior abdominal wall.
This section includes abnormal physiology of the stated organs and comparison of sonographic imaging to other imaging modalities as related to these organs.
Students come to understand the role of the sonographer and of ultrasound in clinical management. Clinical management includes collection and noting of prior relevant patient history and any recent applicable physical examination, imaging, laboratory, and functional tests. Course Prerequisite: None