Blood Drive (Medford)

Hunter Business Campus - Medford Brookhaven Executive Center 3247 Route 112 Building 3, Suite 2, Medford, NY

Contribute to Hunter's Blood Drive at the Medford campus. Your donation will help save up to three lives. Our community hospitals need your help. We thank you for caring. Walk-ins […]

Valentine’s Grams (Levittown)

Hunter Business Campus - Levittown Nassau Mall 3601 Hempstead Turnpike Unit 19, Levittown, NY

Student Council is sponsoring a Valentine's Gram event from Monday, February 10, through the 14th. Throughout the week, Student Council members will be selling various items that students and staff […]

Saint Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine's Day, a day associated with romantic love, is full of history, legends, and traditions. Today, show the one you love just how you feel.

Web Design Program Info Session 7 P.M.

Mismatch Day (L Day)

Are you interested in building your own websites and making it a career? Want to learn how to build amazing websites and cutting-edge web applications? You are invited to our […]