Category: Student Spotlight

Nothing Can Stop Me

Dear Future Hunter Graduates, Before Hunter, I was a mess. I had no set schedule, no direction, no ambition, and I was steeped in depression. My family had stopped asking

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It’s Never Too Late

I have always been fascinated with the medical field and love the idea of being there for people during times that could be very trying. buy desyrel online no

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My Escape

My biggest love and passion is drawing and designing. I started at a young age. It was the only thing that let me escape a lot of problems and stress.

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I Was No Longer Lost

Before coming to Hunter, I was lost, no direction, no drive. I just had the naïve notion it would all work itself out. As far as I was concerned in

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Levittown Graduation

The night of July 27, Levittown had its most recent graduation ceremony in the JetBlue Sky Theater at the Cradle of Aviation Museum and Education Center in Garden City. Before

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mother and daughter sitting at a picnic table

Summer at Hunter

At Hunter, we make every effort to instill in our students the qualities of responsibility, honesty, and self-awareness. We try to teach them to be flexible, critical thinkers, and compassionate.

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Valentine’s Grams (Levittown)

Student Council is sponsoring a Valentine’s Gram event from Monday, February 10, through the 14th. Throughout the week, Student Council members will be selling various items that students and staff

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